Booster Meeting February 22, 2023
Agenda Attendees: Barb E, Rita B, Ed W., Magdna, Kristen W, Julien (Davina), Steve E, Angie F, Lori G, Paula S, Danielle B President Update: Barbara Efantis Welcome/Introductions - Barb called the mee)ng to order at 7:08pm and all introduced themselves. Athletic Specialist Update: Rita Boule Indoor Track State Championships - boys have a shot at top 3 - Boys were County Champs for the first time in Blair history. Finishing winter season for basketball Wrestling - girls won county championship, 2 girls won weight class, 1 boy won weight class Swim and Dive won their Region and are `headed to States 260 students registered for spring. All teams have coaches and will start March 1st with Allied So[ball and gymnas)cs on March 6. Need new athletic trainer - all games will be covered but not day-by-day. Meet the Coaches March 13th with student meeting during lunch. Treasurer Update: Ed Wilhelm See a7ached document Commitee’s Concessions Update: Magda Fulton 1st season is finished and went well but would like more parent volunteers. The young people that helped out were key. A rhythm was built and need more than one buyer for the food. Transitioning to outdoor for the spring seasons. We will hold concessions at the Events and are tweaking sign-ups. We need parent support and need to tweak system to make sure adults were supervising student signups State Basketball Playoffs on Tuesday, March 7, and Wednesday, March 8th - 2 games per night. Would like 4 adults and 4 - 6 boys. Gear Update: Kirsten Wenger Have not had a sale since last meeting Sales for: Meet the Coaches (March 13th) & Community Night (3/30 and 4/27) Yard Signs Update: Barbara Efantis No update Loyalty card update: Rita Boule No update Corporate Sponsorship Update: Divina Vessup presented by Julien Adver)sing for scoreboards - she has one! Still have opportunities, please spread the word. Membership Update: Tanya Ang/Barbara Efantis A few more have come in this month. We expect a few spring parents at the Meet the Coaches and then hopefully we will meet our goal. New Business: Mulch Sale- Steve Efantis, Chair Signs have been placed in neighborhood E-blast sent to those who ordered last year Spreading is being offered again, poten)ally limit based the teams who have volunteered (Boys Basketball and Poms) Delivery on March 25, the following week will be when the teams spread Need list serve access for Takoma The remaining seven signs will be handed out tonight Spring Community night - see above under concessions/gear End of year award ceremony- May 31st - Danielle Brabazon, Chair Barb, Danielle and Rita will discuss at a separate )me. Mo)on to adjourn at 8:09 Submitted by Danielle Brabazon, Recording Secretary
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